En este artículo, analizaremos detalladamente las ventajas y desventajas del asilo político en Estados Unidos, desde el amparo que ofrece, pasando por la incertidumbre del proceso de solicitud y las posibles consecuencias en el estatus lawful.¿Cómo afecta la inmigración de personas latinoamericanas en Estados Unidos el mercado laboral de la in… Read More

If you think your kids are somehow immune to taking drugs, or think they're less likely to come into contact with them in their current environment, the new National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Monitoring the Future survey results might be a shock. One in six kids in grades 8, 10 and 12 have abused prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicin… Read More

Over the years, situations of humans have brought them close to certain measures that either speak well or bad advisors. Lepers have had a reputation for wearing over-sized garments couple shield themselves from embarrassment.Stains are part of this job, but that does not imply you should continue to use these stained scrubs. Be aware of your unifo… Read More

Od paru lat jestem pacjentk? Pani Doktor. Moje pe?ne zaufanie budzi Jej profesjonalizm i dok?adno??. Spokojne i bardzo ?yczliwe podej?cie daje osobie takiej jak ja - z powa?nym problemem okulistycznym - nadziej? na uratowanie w miar? przyzwoitej zdolno?ci widzenia. Dla mnie Pani Doktor jest po prostu bardzo dobrym lekarzem. Serdecznie Pani dzi?kuj?… Read More